
Hongkun Luo (Ternence Luo) - 罗宏昆 - Homepage  

brief_introduction I am a first year master candidate from Luojia Laboratory , School of Geodesy and Geomatics(SGG), GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University. In June 2024, I graduated from China University of Mining and Technology with a bachelor's degree. Now, I am interested in Localization, Perception, 3D Vision, Embodied AI in the direction.

notice I'm always open to new ideas and collaborations! You can reach me through email or any of my social media accounts.⬇️⬇️⬇️



  • [03/2025] My paper SuperVINS was accepted by IEEE Sensors Journal!
  • [12/2024] I won the first-class scholarship for freshmen masters at Wuhan University (certificate) .
  • [11/2024] I have taken on the role of student editor for the SCI (Satellite Navigation) .
  • [10/2024] Congratulations! I won the first prize of the Jiangsu Province Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Undergraduate Excellent Graduation Thesis Award.
  • [06/2024] Won the title of outstanding graduate of China University of Mining and Technology.
  • [06/2024] Graduated from China University of Mining and Technology .
  • [09/2023] Received Chinese National Scholarship.Only 0.2% of Chinese undergraduates can receive this award.
  • [08/2023] Participated in the NanJing University International Summer. School with the theme “From the Center of the Earth to the Deepest Point of the Universe”.

Education & Visiting

WuhanWuHan University 👉🔗[BRAIN Lab]

Master of Geodesy and Surveying Engineering.

Sep. 2024 - Jun. 2027, Supv.: Prof. Chi Guo,Prof.Weiwei Song

WuhanNanJing University

Participate as a summer school member.

Aug. 2023, [News][Certificate]

WuhanChina University of Mining and Technology

Bachelor of Surveying and Mapping Engineering.

Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2024, Supv.: Prof. Zengke Li, [Score] [Transcript]

Selected Publications

IEEE Sensors Journal

SuperVINS: A Real-Time Visual-Inertial SLAM Framework for Challenging Imaging Conditions

Hongkun Luo* , Yang Liu , Chi Guo, Zengke Li , Weiwei Song

Released time:2024.7.31 ➡️ Received time:2025.3.25

IEEE Sensors Journal. SCI(IF=4.3)

MCM/ICM(Meritorious Winner,7%)

The Wordle Game Analysis Model

Hongkun Luo*, Yuzhu Zhang , Jiale Chen

Released time:2024.10.29 ➡️ Award time:2023.5

MCM/ICM, International Competition

MCM/ICM(Meritorious Winner,7%)

The Wordle Game Analysis Model

Yuzhu Zhang* , Hongkun Luo, Jiale Chen

Released time:2024.10.29 ➡️ Award time:2023.5

MCM/ICM, International Competition

Industrial Experience

I currently do not have formal industrial experience, but I am actively seeking research or project-based internships in private enterprises. If you have relevant suitable opportunities, please send them to my gmail (

Individual Awards

2024.12 The First Class scholarship for Freshmen Masters at Wuhan University

2024.10 The First Prize of The Jiangsu Province Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Undergraduate Excellent Graduation Thesis Award.

2022-2023 National Scholarship for Chinese Undergraduate Students.

2023 National Second Prize in Surveying and Mapping Programming Group-Surveying and Mapping Skills Competition.

2023 The First Prize of The National Electrotechnical Mathematical Modeling Competition for College Students

2023 The First Prize of MathorCup Big Data Challenge (5%)

2023 Meritorious Winner-Mathematical Contest in Modeling/Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling

2021-2022 First Class Academic Scholarship in China University of Mining and Technology

2020-2021 First Class Academic Scholarship in China University of Mining and Technology

Copyright @ Hongkun Luo. All rights reserved.