Hongkun Luo (Ternence Luo)  

Hongkun Luo:Down-to-earth, light but not shiny, still waters run deep

I am a first-year master's student from Luojia Laboratory of Wuhan University. I graduated from China University of Mining and Technology with a bachelor's degree.I am interested in GNSS, INS,Visual Semantic SLAM in the direction.

I will update the video on my Bilibili channel.I will also update articles on Zhihu and CSDN

Feel free to contact me by email if you are interested in discussing or collaborating with me.

  luohongkun@whu.edu.cn   Google Scholar
  GitHub   Blog


Education & Visiting

WuHan University,WuHan,China

Master in Geodesy and Surveying Engineering in BRAIN lab

Sep. 2024 - Jun. 2027

NanJing University,NanJing,China

Participate as a summer school member.

Aug. 2023

China University of Mining and Technology,XuZhou,China

Bachelor of Surveying and Mapping Engineering

Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2024

Selected Publications

Notes: Joint first authors are indicated using * and corresponding authors are indicated using .

SuperVINS: A visual-inertial SLAM framework integrated deep learning features

Hongkun Luo*, Chi Guo, Yang Liu , Zengke Li

Release time:2024.7.31(Preprints)


Industrial Experience


Individual Awards

2024.6 Outstanding graduates of China University of Mining and Technology.

2022-2023 National Scholarship for Chinese Undergraduate Students.

2023 Surveying and Mapping Skills Competition-National Second Prize in Surveying and Mapping Programming Group.

2023 Mathematical Contest in Modeling/Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling Meritorious Winner

2021,2022 First Class Academic Scholarship in CUMT

© Hongkun Luo