Hongkun Luo (Ternence Luo) - 罗宏昆 - Homepage
Hongkun Luo:Down-to-earth, light but not shiny,
still waters
I am a first year master candidate from Luojia Laboratory , School of Geodesy and Geomatics(SGG), GNSS Research Center of Wuhan University. I
graduated from China University of Mining and Technology with a
bachelor's degree.I am interested in Localization,Perception, 3D
Vision,Embodied AI in the direction.
Feel free to contact me by email if you are interested in discussing or collaborating with me. |
WuHan University,WuHan,China Master of Geodesy and Surveying Engineering. [BRAIN Lab]. Supv.: Prof. Chi Guo,Weiwei Song Sep. 2024 - Jun. 2027
NanJing University,NanJing,China Participate as a summer school member. [News][Certificate] Aug. 2023
China University of Mining and Technology,XuZhou,China Bachelor of Surveying and Mapping Engineering.[Score] [Transcript]. Supv.: Prof. Zengke Li Sep. 2020 - Jun. 2024
SuperVINS: A visual-inertial SLAM framework integrated deep learning features Hongkun Luo* , Yang Liu , Chi Guo†, Zengke Li , Weiwei Song Released time:2024.7.31(Preprints) -- Received time:Pending IEEE Trans/Journal. SCI, Qn(IF=5.0) |
The Wordle Game Analysis Model Hongkun Luo*, Yuzhu Zhang , Jiale Chen Released time:2024.10.29 -- Award time:2023.5 MCM/ICM(Meritorious Winner,7%). International Competition |
2024.10 The first prize of the Jiangsu Province Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Undergraduate Excellent Graduation Thesis Award.
2022-2023 National Scholarship for Chinese Undergraduate Students.
2023 Surveying and Mapping Skills Competition-National Second Prize in Surveying and Mapping Programming Group.
2023 Mathematical Contest in Modeling/Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling Meritorious Winner
2021,2022 First Class Academic Scholarship in CUMT